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Electric Candle-holder with switches

Model 506 - Variants 21 / 33 / 48 light points

Electric Candle-holder with switches
It is a Votive Candle-holder with switches, i.e. with lighting of small bulbs which reproduce the candle flame. It is realized through a small toggle switch located on the front of the candlestick.

Despite losing the gestures of putting the candle in its holder, the votive candle retains the traditional votive candlestick shape, and still requires the faithful to have to drive a small lever to complete his offer.

Upon request various dimensions.

Votive Candle-holder technical sheet:

  • Variant with 33 lightings:
Variant with 33 lightings: Weight: 70 kg
Height: 102 cm
Depth: 34 cm
Console Width: 80 cm

Price: € 1080,00 + VAT

Transport: Free
Warranty: 6 years

  • Variant with 21 lighting:
Price: € 880,00 + VAT

  • Variant with 48 lighting:
Price: 1.350,00 € + VAT
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