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Electronic candle-holders with on and off automatic

The electronic candleholder relies the switching on and off of votive lights on an integrated circuit device The electronic board provides to choose which candle lighting and to adjust the start and stop times.

Electronic candleholder are programmable during installation and you can set a candle lighting time varying from one to three hours.

As in a large chandelier, all the lights are put in the gold holders and lights are switched on or off, in obedience to what is programmed.

Mobile candle holder is made of hammered sheet metal painted in coppery brown. It consists of two main elements: the console and the base.

Despite not useful to the housing of the candles, are still present compartments to hold candles. These can become a useful space to house holy cards and pamphlets that the faithful will be able to pick up after made the votive offering, thus preserving a memory of their vote.

The pedestal is realized with a 4 mm metal sheet in order to guarantee security against thefts.

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