Thanks to the personal intuition, in 1990 Bruno Geroni leaves the previous activity and consolidated for years to begin a new adventure; guided by instinct but especially by curiosity to discover new perspectives that could excite and gratify furt...
The use of armoured systems protects the offers from the risk of burglary by ill-intentioned. Unfortunately, the problem of theft in holy places is still a very topical issue. The risk that the offerings of the faithful may be diverted from...
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This site is owned by "Votive sas" with headquarters in Via del Lavoro Industrial Zone Ca 'de Bolli 26817 S. Martino in Strada (LO). It is dedicated to retail, in line with the distance selling legislation (DL 185/99 ) which provides precise oblig...
Very interesting proposal, which we have in place for some time with great success is the formula: SCRAPPING AND PICKUP; this means that with the purchase of our votive equipped with armoured safes, for each old candlestick withdrawn, will be pai...
Thefts in churches are becoming more frequent, and the easiest thing to steal are the money offered by the faithful, that it do not need to be recycled.
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