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Offering boxes

The Offering Boxes for the Votive Sacred Furnishing, are made of hammered and painted sheet, color coppered brown with a depth of 4 mm.

The fissure in which the offers are submitted, instead reaches the depth of 8 mm.

The armoure box is protected with a triple-rack lock, virtually impossible to crack.


Available in the variants:

  • Mod. 401, box for one intention of offering
  • Mod. 503, box for two intentions of offering
  • Mod. 504, box for three intentions of offering
  • Mod. 400, Offering box with wall mounting
  • Model 401 - Offering box
    Box for one intention of offering
    Armoure safe with double rack anti-theft, lock with three pistons, two-bit key; within there are separate and removable drawers for the collection of the offerings.
  • Model 503 – Offering box
    Offering Box for two intentions of offering
    Modello 503 Armoure safe with double rack anti-theft, within there are two separate and removable drawers for the collection of the offerings. Lock with three pistons, two-bit key.
  • Model 504 Offering Box
    Offering Box for three intentions of offering
    Modello 504 Armoure safe with double rack anti-theft, within there are three separate and removable drawers for the collection of the offerings. Lock with three pistons, two-bit key.
  • Model 400 - Offering box
    Offering box with wall mounting
    Model 400 Box for the collection of the offering with armoured lock to be screwed to the wall.
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