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  • » Traditional votive for large church-candles and wax candles

Traditional votive for large church-candles and wax candles

When the wax, traditional noble fuel, becomes necessary in order to maintain the same ancient votive formula, then it is safe to not use electric simulacra but put in field a candlestick entirely traditional.

The Votive Sacred Furnishing also produces traditional chandeliers and candleholders intended to accommodate combustion wax candles (with flame) and wax candles.

Available in the variants:

  • Mod. 508, traditional votive candles with armoured safe
  • Mod. 600, traditional votive for wax candles with armoure safe

A request with artistic support in wrought iron.

  • Traditional candle-holders
    Model 508
    Model 508 Traditional candle-holders for large church candles and tiny candles. It can contains 120 tiny candles, 60 large church candle and replacement. h 102 x w48 x l 80, peso Kg 40. Traditional model, with a large capacity, it does not req...
  • Art.1 – Traditional Candlestick
    Model 600 - 38 candles
    ART. 1 Traditional votive for wax candles - with armoured safe On request artistic wrought iron armoured support.
  • Art.2 – Traditional Candlestick
    Model 600 - 53 candles
    ART. 2 Traditional votive for wax candles. With armoured safe On request artistic wrought iron armoured support.
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