Art. 21/CE – Electric gestural church-candles holder Gravelights holder with 21 lights complete of red and white church-candles and with replacement bulbs. With armoured safe. Ideal for small chapels or to be placed in small spaces.
ART. 33\CE – Electric gestural church-candles holder Gravelights holder with 33 lights complete of red and white church-candles and with replacement bulbs. With armoured safe weight kg 70 h 102x80x48.
ART. 60\CE - Electric gestural church-candles holder Gravelights holder with 60 lights complete of red and white church-candles, replacement bulbs and armoured safe.
Art. 21CE-EL Electronic church-candles with 21 light points complete of red and white church-candles and with replacement bulbs. With armoured safe. Automatic on and off programmable from 1 to 3 hours. Ideal for small chapels or placements in sm...
Art. 33CE-EL Electronic church-candles with 33 light points complete of red and white church-candles and with replacement bulbs. With armoured safe. Automatic on and off programmable from 1 to 3 hours.
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